5 discerning factors
When it comes to digital skills and access, 5 factors play an important role in determining the risk of digital exclusion:
- Income
- Education
- Age
- Household composition
- Country of origin
There is no clear-cut answer to the question of who is vulnerable to digital exclusion, but in many cases that vulnerability can be attributed to a number of factors. Some parts of the population are significantly more at risk than others.
When it comes to digital skills and access, 5 factors play an important role in determining the risk of digital exclusion:
of singles
have no internet connection at home.
of low-skilled people
have never used e-administration.
of 55- to 74-year-olds
have no or limited digital skills.
of people with low incomes
have no internet at home.
of those born outside of Belgium
have no or limited digital skills.
When we look at combinations of these groups, like senior citizens without secondary-level education or low-skilled people with a low income, the numbers indicative of digital exclusion can rise to a staggering 80%.
Of course, the full picture is more nuanced. Research can only identify the major trends, when in reality anyone can be faced with digital exclusion. Some examples:
In total, there are 13 socioeconomic and digital indicators, whose relative balance determines whether someone is digitally excluded:
In conclusion, the issue of digital exclusion is not limited to the most vulnerable layers of the population, although the consequences can be greater for those groups.
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